Advocacy Panelist Stephen Tritch

Issue Date: 
September 19, 2011

"I grew up in Butler, just a bit north of Pittsburgh, and came from a family of modest means. I was able to attend the University of Pittsburgh, the school of my choice, only because of the lower tuition for in-state students that resulted from Pitt’s transition to public university status just one year before I enrolled here. ...

This university is an institution of impact. Anyone who has attended Pitt (as I did) or who has had a son or daughter attend Pitt (as I have) or whose life has been touched in some other way by the university—working for Pitt or for one of its many suppliers or spin-off companies; benefitting from its medical research; attending the cultural or athletic events it sponsors; being helped by its community outreach; just living in Oakland, where the University’s police protection extends to all; or in countless other ways—almost certainly shares those feelings as we continue to face the possibility of further reductions to our funding.

... I worry that we seem to be retreating from support of the very institutions that will help fuel our collective success in the 21st-century economy."

—Stephen Tritch (ENGR ’71, MBA ’77)

Tritch is chair of Pitt’s Board of Trustees and the retired chair and CEO of Westinghouse.