Chancellor Names 2010 Awardees for Staff Excellence in Service to the Community, University
Chancellor Mark A. Nordenberg has named the winners of the 2010 Chancellor’s Awards for Staff Excellence in Service to the Community and to the University.
Each awardee will receive a $2,500 cash prize and will be recognized during Pitt’s 34th annual Honors Convocation on Friday, Feb. 26. The awardees’ names also will be inscribed on plaques to be displayed in the William Pitt Union.
The three winners of the Awards for Staff Excellence in Service to the Community are:
Ernest Dettore Jr. (EDUC ’93G), STARS Technical Assistance Consultant, Pitt Office of Child Development;
Allie P. Quick (GSPIA ’03), executive director of principal gifts, Pitt’s Office of Institutional Advancement; and
Debora L. Whitfield (CGS ’06), a financial counselor in Pitt’s School of Dental Medicine.
The four winners of the Chancellor’s Award for Staff Excellence in Service to the University are:
Beverly Bolden, director of student services and diversity recruiter, Pitt’s Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business;
Patricia M. Colosimo, assistant director of the arts program at Pitt-Bradford;
Collie M. Henderson, administrative assistant in the School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Philosophy; and
Blaine R. Walker, manager of University Media Projects, Pitt’s Center for Instructional Development and Distance Education.
Information on each of the awardees follows.
Excellence in Service to the Community Awardees

The award selection committee recommended Dettore because of his extensive volunteer work in the area of childhood education. He has been active in serving Heritage Community Initiatives and the 4 Kids Program, Shady Lane School, the YMCA of Greater Pittsburgh, Beginning with Books, the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, and Pittsburgh Action Against Rape.
“Your many supporters for this award all agree that you have greatly enhanced the lives of countless children, their caretakers, and their educators,” Nordenberg wrote in the letter notifying Dettore about his award. “And, that your supporters quoted Fred Rogers in recommending you for this award speaks to the deep admiration and respect you have earned as an advocate for our children.”

The chancellor recognized Quick for her service to a number of community organizations, including the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, Blind & Vision Rehabilitation Services of Pittsburgh, and the Pennsylvania/West Virginia Chapter of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America.
Nordenberg, in his letter notifying Quick of her award, added that the selection committee was “particularly moved by the expression of support you received from 1st Lieutenant Kevin Farrell in appreciation of your efforts to organize, assemble, and mail care packages to the U.S. Army’s Charlie Battery 2nd Battalion, 130th Field Artillery Regiment from the Kansas National Guard, which was deployed to the Middle East.

The chancellor selected Whitfield for the award because of her dedication to her home community. The chancellor, in his award-notification letter, also cited her “volunteer efforts that so positively impact our West Pittsburgh communities.”
“The committee was very impressed with the amount of personal time you donate to serving as president of the Sheraden Community Council, on the board of director for the Sheraden chapter of the Kiwanis Club, as deputy grand matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, and as a member of the West Pittsburgh Weed and Seed steering committee,” Nordenberg wrote.
Excellence in Service to the University Awardees

Bolden was recognized for “leadership qualities, process improvements, calm demeanor, and encouragement of staff development—all of which contribute to your distinction as a provider of ‘above-and-beyond’ service,” the chancellor wrote in his letter notifying Bolden about her award.
In particular, Nordenberg cited Bolden’s volunteering to take the role of diversity recruiter for the Katz MBA program. Under her leadership, the number of full-time students from underrepresented populations increased 60 percent during her first year, and by 112 percent during her second year, the chancellor noted.

In his notification letter to Colosimo, Nordenberg wrote, “Your supporters for this award cited your willingness to undertake any task asked of you, even those which are no longer considered your responsibility. You are asked to complete these tasks because of your distinction for getting the job done, and getting it done well.”
In addition to promoting and enhancing Pitt-Bradford’s arts program, Colosimo organizes all of the major events on its campus, including presidential and Institutional Advancement functions.
Henderson has been a University employee since 1972. Nordenberg commended Henderson for her loyalty to her colleagues and Pitt. “Your supporters for this award cited your ability to complete even the most daunting tasks most successfully, while making your work appear effortless,” the chancellor wrote in his notification letter to Henderson.

“The committee was impressed by the numerous attestations to your very high level of productivity, your successful implementation of cost-savings plans and your generosity in giving your free time to support departmental events, programs, and faculty. Clearly, those who rely upon you are deeply appreciative of all that you do for them—and for this University,” Nordenberg wrote.
Walker was selected because of his dedication to and professionalism in handling photography and audio and visual presentations that are given on and off campus. “You have been recognized for going ‘above and beyond’ in your duties by first understanding any given presentation, then striving to enhance it with the most appropriate images, framing, and audio,” Nordenberg wrote in his letter to Walker.

“Your tireless pursuit of perfection ensures that the ultimate objective of each presentation is achieved, every time. In addition, the committee was very impressed with the extra work you did to coordinate the momentous—and flawless—presentations by European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during the G-20 Summit,” the chancellor wrote.
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