Commencement 2007/photos

Issue Date: 
May 14, 2007

Faces in the crowd


BAS Recognition Dinner

Below: During the Pitt Black Action Society (BAS) Recognition Dinner on April 27, Darra Duckett received BAS’ 3-M (Malcolm, Martin, and Marcus) Award, given each year to a graduating BAS member who has shown outstanding leadership through service. Graduating Pitt students pictured in the second photo below, from left: Mario Doanes, outgoing BAS president and a Helen Faison Scholar; Adam Iddriss, a Truman Scholar who will attend the Johns Hopkins Medical School; Rhodes and Goldwater Scholar Daniel Armanios, who will attend the University of Oxford in England; and Tahir Abdullah, an Office of Public Affairs Study-Abroad Scholar. Lower photo: from left: students Patrick Millord and Dexter Miller, Vice Provost and Dean of Students Kathy Humphrey, and student Hassan Wilcox. Miller and Wilcox interned in Pitt’s Office of Public Affairs.


Baccalaureate Service

The Pitt Alumni Association’s African American Alumni Council (AAAC) held its 2007 Baccalaureate Service in the First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, in Oakland. Pictured below, from left: Chancellor Mark A. Nordenberg, AAAC President Linda Wharton-Boyd (CAS ’72, FAS ’75, ’79), and Vice Provost and Dean of Students Kathy Humphrey.


Passing the Light

Below: Numerous Pitt schools and departments held graduate-recognition events during the 2007 Commencement weekend. Among them was the School of Nursing, which held its annual Pinning Ceremony April 27 in Solders and Sailors Memorial Hall. Graduating seniors lit lamps symbolizing the passing from one generation to another of the nursing profession’s commitment to improving the practice of nursing.

Mash Unit

Below: Tuber or Not Tuber—that was the question at the 2007 “Panther Sendoff,” which treated graduating students to a “smashed” potato bar (both sweet and savory spuds, with plenty of toppings), beverages, and music. Among those who attended the annual event—held April 28 in Alumni Hall’s Connolly Ballroom and sponsored by Pitt’s Office of the Chancellor and Division of Student Affairs—were, from left: Chancellor Mark A. Nordenberg; Rebekah Bambling (A&S ’07); Rachael Heisler (A&S ’07); and Leland D. Patouillet, associate vice chancellor for alumni relations.
