
Issue Date: 
January 18, 2011


ABBAMANIA!, the ultimate ABBA tribute show, Jan. 20-23, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra PNC Pops! 2010-11 Season, 412-392-4900, www.pittsburghsymphony.org.

Brenda Jean, vocalist singing mix of old-school country swing, classic jazz, and contemporary folk, noon Jan. 21, free, The Cup & Chaucer Café, ground floor, Hillman Library, Emerging Legends Concert Series Spring 2011, Pitt University Library System, Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society, www.calliopehouse.org.

Menahem Pressler, distinguished pianist performing Beethoven, Debussy, and Schubert, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 24, Bellefield Hall Auditorium, Bellefield Hall Recital Series, Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society, 412-624-4129, www.pittsburghchambermusic.org.


University Art Gallery, Frick Fine Arts Building, Studio Arts Wyoming Field Study Exhibition, featuring work of four Pitt studio arts majors who studied at Pitt’s Cook ranch, which is rich in dinosaur fossils, through Jan. 28, Pitt Department of Studio Arts, University Honors College, 412-648-2430.

Hillman Library Latin American Lecture Room, American Association of University Presses (AAUP) Book, Jacket, and Journal Show, features award-winning book designs from across the country, through Jan. 21; 75th Anniversary of the University of Pittsburgh Press (UPP), selection of books representing the expanding range of UPP publications over the years, through Feb. 18, UPP and University Library System, 412-383-2493, mes5@pitt.edu.

Andy Warhol Museum, Marilyn Monroe: Life as a Legend, through Jan. 23, 117 Sandusky St., North Side, 412-237-8300, www.warhol.org.

Carnegie Museum of Art, The Art of Structure, Heinz Architectural Center, through Jan. 30; André Kertész: On Reading, photography exhibition, through Feb. 13; Ordinary Madness: James Lee Byars at Carnegie Museum of Art, through Feb. 20, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.cmoa.org.

Mattress Factory, Queloids: Race and Racism in Cuban Contemporary Art, through Feb. 27, 500 Sampsonia Way, North Side, Pitt’s University Center for International Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, 412-322-2231, www.mattress.org.

August Wilson Center for African American Culture, In My Father’s House, mixed-media exhibition about how African Americans collect and preserve their culture, through June 2011, 980 Liberty Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org.


“Scientific Models and Visual Representations: Some Perspective,” Laura Perini, visiting fellow, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 12:05 p.m. Jan. 18, 817R Cathedral of Learning, Lunchtime Talk Series, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.

A Conversation with David Ferriero, archivist of the United States, colloquium featuring the head of the National Archives and Records Administration, 11 a.m. Jan. 19, 121 David Lawrence Hall, SIS Colloquium Series, Pitt School of Information Sciences, www.ischool.pitt.edu.

“Ernst Mach’s ‘Method of Variation’ in Otto Neurath’s Economic Theory,” Elisabeth Nemeth, visiting fellow, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 12:05 p.m. Jan. 25, 817R Cathedral of Learning, Lunchtime Talk Series, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.

“Beyond Reduction vs. Autonomy in Psychology,” David Danks, professor of philosophy, Carnegie Mellon University, 3:30 p.m. Jan. 28, 817R Cathedral of Learning, Annual Lecture Series, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.


CIDDE CourseWeb Level 1 Workshop, Set It Off (F. Gary Gray 1996), free film showing, 7:45 p.m. Jan. 19, 3415 Posvar Hall, Contemporary Queer Cinemas Public Film Series Spring 2011, Pitt Women’s Studies Program, 412-624-6485, www.wstudies.pitt.edu.

TIES Informational Luncheon for Researchers and Research Assistants, talk on Text Information Extraction System (TIES), Rebecca Crowley, director, Biomedical Informatics Graduate Training Program, Pitt School of Medicine, 11 a.m. Jan. 26, Cooper Conference Room C, Hillman Cancer Center, open to Pitt and UPMC faculty, staff, and students, Pitt Department of Biomedical Informatics, 412-623-4753.


Traces, written and directed by Gregory Kahlil Kareem Allen, Jan. 20-Feb. 5, Kuntu Repertory Theatre, 7th-Floor Auditorium, Alumni Hall, Pitt’s Kuntu Repertory Theatre, 412-624-8498, www.kuntu.org.

Camelot by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe, tale about the courage of King Arthur, the beauty of Guinevere, and the chivalry of Sir Lancelot, Jan. 20-Feb. 20, Pittsburgh Public Theater, 621 Penn Ave., Downtown, 412-316-1600, www.ppt.org.

Stephen Petronio Company, dance performance, 8 p.m. Jan. 22, Byham Theater, 101 Sixth Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Dance Council, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats, 412-624- 4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.

Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers, musical with songs by Robert B. and Richard M. Sherman and featuring world’s most famous flying nanny, through Jan. 23, Benedum Center, 719 Liberty Ave., Downtown, PNC Broadway Across America, 412-471-6070, www.pgharts.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats, 412-624- 4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.


Kai Zhang, School of Arts & Sciences’ Department of Chemistry, 4 p.m. Jan. 21, “Fluorous Mixture Synthesis of Four Stereoisomers of the C21-C40 Fragment of Tetrafibricin and Efforts Towards Total Synthesis of Tetrafibricin,” 2089 Eberly Hall.