Itzhak Perlman Performs and Conducts, featuring works by Bach, Tchaikovsky, and Mendelssohn, 7:30 p.m. May 25, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, www.pgharts.org.
Alash Ensemble, Tuvan throat singers from Central Asia, 7:30 p.m. May 26, First Unitarian Church, 605 Morewood Ave., Shadyside, Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society, Silk Screen, 412-361-2262, www.calliopeshouse.org.
Ravel’s Great Waltz, with Manfred Honeck conducting, Nancy Goeres, bassoon, 8 p.m. June 3-4, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, www.pgharts.org.
Carnegie Museum of Art, You Are Here: Architecture and Experience, through May 29; Andrey Avinoff: In Pursuit of Beauty, through June 5; Ragnar Kjartansson: Song, through Sept. 25; 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.cmoa.org.
Heinz History Center, Ben Franklin: In Search of a Better World, explores personal side of one of our founding fathers, through July 31; America’s Best Weekly: A Century of The Pittsburgh Courier, through Oct. 2; 1212 Smallman St., Strip District, 412-454-6000, www.heinzhistorycenter.org.
“Transplantation and Children: Outcomes and Opportunities for a Lifetime,” George V. Mazariegos, Jamie Lee Curtis Endowed Chair in Transplantation Surgery, Pitt School of Medicine, 4:30 p.m. June 2, Scaife Hall Lecture Room 6, Provost’s Inaugural Lecture Series, www.provost.pitt.edu.
CourseWeb Level 2, workshop on application of Blackboard 9.1 Learning Management System’s Web-based instructional technologies to enhance student participation and encourage active learning, 9 a.m. May 25, B23 Alumni Hall, Pitt CIDDE, register online at www.cidde.pitt.edu.
Basic Issues in Health Care Ethics, consortium, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. June 7, La Roche College, 9000 Babcock Blvd., McCandless, Pitt Consortium Ethics Program, Pitt Schools of Medicine and Social Work, Center for Continuing Education in the Health Sciences, 412-647-5834, www.pitt.edu/~cep.
TIES Informational Luncheon for Researchers and Research Assistants, talk on Text Information Extraction System (TIES), Rebecca Crowley, director, Department of Biomedical Informatics Graduate Training Program, Pitt School of Medicine, 11 a.m. June 7, Presbyterian Hospital South, Conference Room M3901, open to Pitt and UPMC faculty, staff, and students, registration required, http://ties.upmc.com/register/index.html, 412-623-4753
The Marvelous Wonderettes by Roger Bean, a return to the ’50s and ’60s, through Oct. 2, CLO Cabaret, 719 Liberty Ave., Downtown, 412-281-3973, www.pittsburghclo.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Yeonhee Kim, Graduate School of Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics, 1 p.m. May 26, “Statistical Methods for Discovering Biomarkers Subject to Detection Limit,” 308 Parran Hall.
Elia M. Crisucci, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Biological Sciences, 2 p.m. May 26, “The Roles of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Paf1 Complex in Regulating Transcriptional Repression,” A219B Langley Hall.
Sarah Wheeler, School of Medicine’s Cellular and Molecular Pathology Graduate Program, 11 a.m. May 31, “EGFRvIII Expression and Signaling in HNSCC,” 1105 Scaife Conference Center.
Felicia Bayer, Graduate School of Public Health, 1 p.m. May 31, “Of Diabetes Care in a U.S. Manufacturing Cohort: A Comparison of Quality Indicators as Predictors of Diabetes Complications,” 109 Parran Hall.
Matthew Kendrick, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of English, 3 p.m. June 2, “Rude Mechanicals: Staging Labor in the Early Modern English Theater,” 501 Cathedral of Learning.
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On the Freedom Road
Follow a group of Pitt students on the Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour, a nine-day, 2,300-mile journey crisscrossing five states.
Day 1: The Awakening
Day 2: Deep Impressions
Day 3: Music, Montgomery, and More
Day 4: Looking Back, Looking Forward
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