Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Dances, Juraj Valcuha, conductor; Dame Evelyn Glennie, percussion, Jan. 13-15, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, BNY Mellon Grand Classics, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, 412-392-4900, www.pittsburghsymphony.org, Pitt Arts Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Tribute: A Symphonic Celebration of African American Culture, sixth annual collaboration between Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra and August Wilson Center for African American Culture, Lawrence Loh, conductor; Mark Huggins, violin; August Wilson Center Dance Ensemble, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 20, August Wilson Center, 980 Liberty Ave., Downtown, 4122-392-4900, http://pso.culturaldistrict.org.
Christine Lavin, singer-songwriter whose one-of-a-kind concerts have become a fixture in folk/pop culture,
7:30 p.m. Jan. 21, Carnegie Lecture Hall, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, Calliope Concerts 2011-12 Season, Calliope: Pittsburgh Folk Music Society, 412-361-1915, www.calliopehouse.org, Pitt Arts Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Suite Bill, R&B soul singer William Harrison “Bill” Withers, 8 p.m.
Jan. 21, August Wilson Center for African American Culture, 980 Liberty Ave., Downtown, 412-392-4900, http://pso.culturaldistrict.org, Pitt Arts Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
University Art Gallery, exhibition of work produced by Pitt Department of Studio Arts and Honors College students during Pitt’s third annual Wyoming Field Study at the University’s dinosaur bone-rich Cook Ranch, Jan. 11-Feb. 3, opening reception 4-6 p.m. Jan. 11, Frick Fine Arts Building, 412-648-2400.
The Frick Art & Historical Center, Fabergé: The Hodges Family Collection, more than 100 objects made by Russian artist-jeweler Peter Carl Fabergé, goldsmith and jeweler to the Russian court, through Jan. 15, 7227 Reynolds St., Point Breeze, 412-371-0600, www.thefrickpittsburgh.org.
Carnegie Museum of Art, Picturing the City: Downtown Pittsburgh, 2007-2010, through March 2; Teenie Harris, Photographer: An American Story, through April 7; 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.cmoa.org.
The Warhol, I Just Want to Watch: Warhol’s Film, Video, and Television, ongoing, 117 Sandusky St., North Side, 412-237-8300, www.warhol.org.
Wood Street Galleries, Cell Phone Disco, ongoing, Tito Way, Downtown, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org.
“Problems of Decision Under Conditions of Certainty,” Nicholas Rescher, Pitt Distinguished University Professor of Philosophy, 12:05 p.m. Jan. 10, 817R Cathedral of Learning, Lunchtime Talks Series, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.
State of the University Honors College Address, Ed Stricker, Honors College dean, 1:30 p.m. Jan. 11, Frick Fine Art Auditorium, www.honorscollege.pitt.edu.
“Cancer Immunity and Immunotherapy: Living the Renaissance,” Olivera Finn, Distinguished Professor of Immunology, Pitt School of Medicine, 4 p.m. Jan. 12, LR6 Scaife Hall, Pitt Provost’s Inaugural Lecture Series Spring Term 2012, 412-624-5750, www.provost.pitt.edu.
“Simplifying Choice,” Paul Weirich, Visiting Fellow and Curator’s Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri, Jan. 17, 817R Cathedral of Learning, Lunchtime Talks Series, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.
“Functional Brain Mapping with MRI,” Seong-Gi Kim, Paul C. Lauterbur Professor in Imaging Research, Pitt School of Medicine, 4 p.m. Jan. 17, LR6 Scaife Hall, Pitt Provost’s Inaugural Lecture Series Spring Term 2012, 412-624-5750, www.provost.pitt.edu.
Michael Pollan, renowned sustainable food activist featured in documentary Food, Inc., 8 p.m. Jan. 18, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, Robert Morris University’s Pittsburgh Speakers Series 2011-12, 412-392-4900, www.PittsburghSpeakersSeries.org.
“Security and Disorder in a Complex World,” Philip Williams, Wesley W. Posvar Chair in International Security Studies, Pitt Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, 4:30 p.m. Jan. 19, 2500 Posvar Hall, Pitt Provost’s Inaugural Lecture Series Spring Term 2012, 412-624-5750, www.provost.pitt.edu.
“Temporary and Permanent Anatomy Theaters: The Stakes of Transition,” Cynthia Klestinec, assistant professor of English, Miami University, Ohio, 3 p.m. Jan. 20, Pitt Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 208B Cathedral of Learning, 412-624-5896, www.hps.pitt.edu.
Defending the Caveman by Rob Becker, a comedy focusing on the battle of the sexes, through Jan. 15, CLO Cabaret at Theater Square, 655 Penn Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera, 412-456-6666, www.clocabaret.com, Pitt Arts Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Through the Night by Daniel Beaty, six intersecting stories about what it means to be a Black man in America today, Jan. 14-Feb. 5, Pittsburgh City Theatre, 1300 Bingham St., South Side, 412-431-2489.
As You Like It by William Shakespeare, Jan. 19-Feb. 19, Pittsburgh Public Theater at the O’Reilly Theater, 621 Penn Ave., Downtown, 412-316-8219, www.ppt.org, Pitt Arts Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, author and actor Mike Daisey illuminates how the Apple CEO shaped our lives, 8 p.m. Jan. 21, Byham Theater, 101 Sixth Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org, Pitt Arts Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Pitt PhD Dissertation Defenses
Jared Coopersmith, Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Sociology, “Scientific Controversies, Boundary Disputes, and Mobilization: The Intelligent Design Movement Network,” 1 p.m. Jan. 17, 2431 Posvar Hall.
Amrita Balachandran, Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences’Department of Biological Sciences, “Characterization of Gene Expression During Biofilm Development in Mycobacterium Smegmatis, and Genetic Analysis of a Surface Translocation-Defective Transposon Mutant,” 12:30 p.m. Jan. 19, A219B Langley Hall.
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Follow a group of Pitt students on the Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour, a nine-day, 2,300-mile journey crisscrossing five states.
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