Carnegie Museum of Art, Teenie Harris Photographs: Cars, showcases a selection of 25 elegant photographs of automobiles from the 1930s to 1970s, and emphasizes the roles they played in Pittsburgh’s segregated African American communities, through Oct. 16, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, www.cmoa.org
University Art Gallery, Reverberations, Department of Studio Arts’ annual faculty art show, through Oct. 23, Frick Fine Arts Building, www.studioarts.pitt.edu
The Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, The Mysterious Nature of Fungi, selections from the Hunt Institute Art and Library collections illustrating the identity of these ubiquitous yet peculiar organisms, Sept. 17-Dec. 17, opening reception, 5:30 p.m. Sept. 17, Hunt Library, 5th floor, 4909 Frew St., Oakland, www.huntbotanical.org
“Inflammatory Caspases in Nonimmune Cells: Regulating More Than Just Life and Death,” Melanie Scott, research assistant professor of surgery, Pitt School of Medicine, noon Sept. 18, Room 6 Scaife Hall, Senior Vice Chancellor’s Research Seminar Series, www.svc-seminar.pitt.edu
2015 African American Student Retention Symposium, features keynote address by Pitt emeritus trustee and alumnus Alfred Moyé, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Sept. 25, Ballroom B, University Club, Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences, asundergrad.pitt.edu
PhD Dissertations
Susan W. Wieczorek, Dietrich School’s Department of Communication, “An Exploratory Study on Physician/Patient Electronic Messaging within Secured Health Portals,” 10 a.m. Sept. 21, 1128 Cathedral of Learning
Alejandro Sanchez Lopera, Dietrich School’s Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, “Imágenes de América Latina. Pensar con Roberto Bolaño y José Revueltas,” 10 a.m. Sept. 25, 329 Cathedral of Learning
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On the Freedom Road
Follow a group of Pitt students on the Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour, a nine-day, 2,300-mile journey crisscrossing five states.
Day 1: The Awakening
Day 2: Deep Impressions
Day 3: Music, Montgomery, and More
Day 4: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Day 5: Learning to Remember
Day 6: The Mountaintop
Day 7: Slavery and Beyond
Day 8: Lessons to Bring Home
Day 9: Final Lessons