The Weathered Road, acoustic trio performing “AmeriCeltic Newgrass,” 6 p.m. Feb. 17, The Cup & Chaucer café, ground floor, Hillman Library, The Emerging Legends Series, University of Pittsburgh Library System and Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society, www.calliopehouse.org.
An American Voyage, Leonard Slatkin, conductor, Mason Bates, electronica, Feb. 19-20, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, www.pittsburghsyphony.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats available, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Russian Masters, performance by Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra, Lawrence Loh, music director, featuring works by Tchaikovsky and Shostakovich, 4 p.m. Feb. 20, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra, www.pyso.us.
Senator John Heinz History Center, Discover the Real George Washington: New Views From Mount Vernon, Feb. 19-July 18, 1212 Smallman St., Strip District, 412-454-6000, www.heinzhistorycenter.org.
Frick Art and Historical Center, 1934: A New Deal for Artists, art exhibition celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Works Progress Administration’s Public Works of Art Program, through April 25, 7227 Reynolds St., Point Breeze, 412-371-0600, www.frickart.org.
Carnegie Museum of Art, Forum 64: Cecil Balmond, through May 30; Gods, Love, and War: Tapestries at Carnegie Museum of Art, through June 13; Caricature, Satire, and Comedy of Manners: Works on Paper From the 18th Through 20th Centuries, ongoing; Past Meets Present: Decorative Arts and Design, ongoing, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.cmoa.org.
The Devil Came on Horseback (Ricki Stern, Anne Sundberg, 2008), Global Health Film Series, 3:30 p.m. Feb. 16, A115 Crabtree Hall, Pitt Global Health Student Association, Center for Global Health, ghsa@pitt.edu.
Akaler Sandhaney (Mrinal Sen, 1980), Indian Film Series, 7 p.m. Feb. 19, Frick Fine Arts Auditorium, Pitt Asian Studies Center, Arts and Sciences Graduate Dean’s Office, Film Studies Program, Indo-Pacific Area Council, 412-624-5578.
Rangeela (Ram Gopal Varma, 1995), Indian Film Series, 7 p.m. Feb. 20, Frick Fine Arts Auditorium, Pitt Asian Studies Center, Arts and Sciences Graduate Dean’s Office, Film Studies Program, Indo-Pacific Area Council, 412-624-5578.
South Korea Unreeled, documentary screening of Good For Her (Elizabeth E. Lee, 2005), 2 p.m. Feb. 21, Winchester Thurston School, 555 Morewood Ave., Shadyside, Asia Unreeled Documentary Film Series, Pitt Asian Studies Center, Confucius Institute, 412-578-7523, www.winchesterthurston.org.
“Helena Valero’s Yanomamo Captivity Narrative,” H. David Brumble, professor, Pitt Department of English, noon Feb. 17, 2628 Cathedral of Learning, Brown Bag Lunch Colloquium, Pitt Department of Religious Studies, www.religiousstudies.pitt.edu.
“Does the Judge’s Gender Make a Difference,” Pat K. Chew, professor, Pitt School of Law, noon Feb. 17, 2201 Posvar Hall, Pitt Women’s Studies Program, www.wstudies.pitt.edu.
“The Civil Wars of the Nineteenth Century: Revolution and Reconstruction in Germany, Africa, and the United States,” Andrew Zimmerman, professor, George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs, 2 p.m. Feb. 17, Department of History Lounge, 3703 Posvar Hall, Pitt European Colloquium Series, www.history.pitt.edu.
“Managing the Butterfly: The Challenges Facing Medical Start-up Companies,” Alan West, president and CEO, Carmell Therapeutics Corp., 4 p.m. Feb. 17, S123 Starzl Biomedical Science Tower South , Pitt Offices of Enterprise Development and Technology Management, 412-624-3160, www.oed.pitt.edu.
“The Mosaic of the Birth of Helen and the Dioscuri From Leptiminus,” Nejib ben Lazreg, researcher and curator, Institut National du Patrimoine, Tunisia, 4:30 p.m. Feb. 17, 208A Cathedral of Learning, Pitt Department of Classics, Archaeological Institute of America, www.classics.pitt.edu.
“The Material Culture of Death in Medieval Japan,” Karen Gerhart, professor, Pitt Department of the History of Art and Architecture, noon Feb. 18, 4130 Posvar Hall, Asia Over Lunch Lecture Series, Pitt Asian Studies Center, jennm@pitt.edu.
“Letras Prohibidas y Escritores Estigmatizados en el Mundo Letrado,” a lecture in Spanish, Mercedes Niño-Murcia, chair, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Iowa, 2:30 p.m. Feb. 18, 602 Cathedral of Learning, Pitt Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Department of Linguistics, Humanities Center, humctr@pitt.edu.
“Minds for Sale,” Jonathan Zittrain, professor, Harvard Law School, 3 p.m. Feb. 18, Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, Barco Law Building, Sara Fine Institute 2010 Lecture, Pitt Schools of Law and Information Sciences, Pittsburgh Technology Council, 412-624-2677, kis9@pitt.edu.
“Advancing to an Academic Position: Being Prepared for the Job Market,” workshop, The Postdoctoral Professionalism Series Spring 2010 Workshops, 3-5 p.m. Feb. 18, Office of Academic Career Development, S100 Thomas E. Starzl Biomedical Science Tower, register at www.oacd.health.pitt.edu.
“Where Neoplatonism Meets Ethnology: Garcilaso and the Gods of Huarochirí,” Frank Salomon, John V. Murra Professor of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, 4 p.m. Feb. 18, 232 Cathedral of Learning, Pitt Center for Latin American Studies, Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Department of Linguistics, Humanities Center, humctr@pitt.edu.
“A Locus for Now—A Modal Perspective," Tomasz Placek, philosophy professor, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 12:05 p.m. Feb. 19, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, Room 817 Cathedral of Learning, 412-624-1052.
“Copyright vs. Community in the Age of Computer Networks,” Richard Stallman, founder of the GNU project, 1 p.m. Feb. 19, Lower Lounge, William Pitt Union, Pitt Department of Computer Science, www.cs.pitt.edu.
“Ideas Against Ideocracy: The Platonic Drama of Russian Thought and Possible Strategies for the Future,” Mikhail Epstein, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Cultural Theory and Russian Literature, Emory University, 3 p.m. Feb. 19, 3911 Posvar Hall, Pitt Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Center for Russian and East European Studies, Film Studies Program, Cultural Studies Program, www.ucis.pitt.edu.
Elizabeth Alexander, poet and Yale University professor of African Studies, 7:30 p.m. Feb. 22, Carnegie Music Hall, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, Drue Heinz Lecture Series, 412-622-8866, www.pittsburghlectures.org.
“Colonial, Post-colonial, and Lesotho Today: Khotso Pula Nala ‘Peace Rain Prosperity,’” Mpho Letima, Pitt’s 2009-10 Malmberg Fellow, 8 p.m. Feb. 23, First-floor Lounge, Sutherland Hall, Pitt Global Studies Program, 412-648-5085.
“Queering Terror: Visualizing Sexuality and Nationalism in Israeli and Palestinian Cinema,” Colleen Jankovic, graduate student, Pitt Department of English and Women’s Studies Program, noon Feb. 24, 2201 Posvar Hall, Pitt Women’s Studies Program, www.wstudies.pitt.edu.
Politics and Pancakes, seven Pittsburgh City Council members will speak and answer questions, 8:15 a.m. Feb. 16, William Pitt Union, Lower Lounge, Graduate and Professional Student Assembly, www.gpsa.pitt.edu.
PITT ARTS & Pittsburgh Opera, free lunch with PITT ARTS and Pittsburgh Opera performers, who will sing excerpts from Bizet’s Carmen, noon Feb. 18, William Pitt Union Assembly Room, 412-624-4498.
Company B & In the Upper Room, dance performance, through Feb. 15, Benedum Center, 719 Liberty Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, 412-281-0360, www.pbt.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats available, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, theatrical performance, through Feb. 21, O’Reilly Theater, 621 Penn Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Public Theater, 412-316-1600, www.ppt.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats available at 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.
Pitt/PhD Dissertation Defenses
Tae Hoon Choi, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Chemistry, 9 a.m. Feb. 18, “Studies of Potential Energy Surfaces of Neutral, Protonated, Negatively Charged Water Clusters,” 325 Eberly Hall.
Kusum Vijay Pandit, Graduate School of Public Health’s Department of Human Genetics, 9:30 a.m. Feb. 18, “Expression and Regulation of let-7d in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis,” NW628 UPMC Montefiore Hospital, 3459 Fifth Ave., Oakland.
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Follow a group of Pitt students on the Returning to the Roots of Civil Rights bus tour, a nine-day, 2,300-mile journey crisscrossing five states.
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Day 3: Music, Montgomery, and More
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