Happenings/February 5-12, 2007
February 5
Lecture, “PASSPORT to Career Searches for F-1 Visa Holders,” noon, William Pitt Union’s Dining Room A, Pitt Office of International Services, 412-624-7120, www.ois.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “The Politics of Black-Jewish Relations and Why It Matters,” Cheryl L. Greenberg, Raether Distinguished Professor of History, Trinity College’s Department of History, noon, 5130 Posvar Hall, Pitt Jewish Studies Program, 412-624-2279, www.pitt.edu/~jsp.
Lecture, “Suspended Carbon Nanotube-Based Structure: A Study of Electronic and Mechanical Behaviors,” Haibing Peng, visiting lecturer, University of California at Berkeley’s physics department, 3 p.m., 106 Allen Hall, Pitt-Carnegie Mellon University Physics Colloquium Series, www.phyast.pitt.edu/Events.
Lecture, “Role of Modern Charitable Health Care Provider,” Thomas K. Hyatt, principal, Ober/Kaler law firm, Washington, D.C., 4 p.m., Teplitz Memorial Courtroom, Pitt School of Law, www.law.pitt.edu.
Reading, authors Michael Chabon and Ayelet Waldman, 7:30 p.m., Carnegie Music Hall, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, Drue Heinz Lecture Series, 412-622-8866, www.pittsburghlectures.org.
Musical Performance, Pittsburgh Piano Trio, 7:30 p.m., Pitt-Titusville’s Henne Auditorium, Pitt-Titusville’s Spotlight Series, 814-827-4429, kmumford@pitt.edu.
Theatrical Performance, Sarafina! by Mbongeni Ngema, 8 p.m., continues through Feb. 10, Alumni Hall’s 7th-Floor Auditorium, Pitt’s Kuntu Repertory Theatre, 412-624-7298, www.kuntu.org.
Theatrical Performance, Vinegar Tom by Caryl Churchill, 8 p.m., continues through Feb. 11, Stephen Foster Memorial’s Henry Heymann Theatre, Pitt Repertory Theatre, 412-624-7529, www.play.pitt.edu.
Poster Exhibition, “Advertising a Dream: Movie Posters From Post-War Korea,” through March 1, foyer of Pitt’s Hillman Library; Pitt’s Asian Studies Center, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, and East Asian Library; 412-648-7370, turker@pitt.edu.
Art Exhibition, “Revolution, Ritual, and Remembrance: The Art of Haiti,” through March 17, the Pitt Frick Fine Arts Building’s University Art Gallery, 412-648-2423, jpiller@pitt.edu.
Art Exhibition, Japanese woodblock prints, The Prints of Tsukioka Kôgyo, continues through April 7.
February 6
Lecture, “How To Do Things with Cinema: On Projection and History in Godard’s Late Work,” Daniel Morgan, Ph.D. candidate, Cinema and Media Studies Program, University of Chicago, 9:30 a.m., 501 Cathedral of Learning, Pitt Department of English, 412-624-6506, www.english.pitt.edu.
Workshop, “Pathway to Independence: K99/R00,” Joan M. Lakoski, associate vice chancellor for academic career development, Pitt’s Department of Pharmacology, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., S120 Biomedical Science Tower, Pitt Office of Academic Career Development; registration required, www.oacd.health.pitt.edu.
Lecture, Edouard Machery, Pitt assistant professor of philosophy, 12:05 p.m., 817R Cathedral of Learning, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science’s Lunchtime Talk Series, 412-624-1052, www.pitt.edu/~pittcntr.
Theatrical Performance, Jane Eyre, 7:30 p.m., Byham Theatre, 101 Sixth St., downtown, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org.
Theatrical Performance, Cabaret, 8 p.m., continues through Feb. 25, O’Reilly Theatre, 621 Penn Ave., downtown, Pittsburgh Public Theater, 412-316-1600, www.ppt.org.
Theatrical Performance, Private Lives by Noel Coward, 8 p.m., Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center, 450 Schoolhouse Rd., Pitt-Johnstown, 814-269-2080, kimiller@pitt.edu..
February 7
Workshop, “A More Perfect Union: Crafting a Successful Family Constitution,” 8:30 a.m.- 1 p.m., Duquesne Club, 325 Sixth Ave., downtown, Pitt Small Business Development Center; registration required, 412-624-2182, mrwholihan@katz.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “From Breslau to Wroclaw: Transforming an Urban Landscape,” Gregor Thum, Pitt visiting assistant professor of history, noon, 203 Frick Fine Arts Building, Pitt Department of the History of Art and Architecture, 412-648-2400, www.haa.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “Striking First Against Future Threats: A Transformation in U.S. National Security Policy?” Karl Mueller, adjunct associate professor, Georgetown University, and Gordon R. Mitchell, Pitt associate professor of communication, noon, 3430 Posvar Hall, Pitt’s Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies, 412-624-7396, hermenault@gspia.pitt.edu.
Comedy Performance, Kathy Griffin, 7:30 p.m., Byham Theatre, 101 Sixth St., downtown, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org.
Film Screenings, Brutalität in Stein [Brutality in Stone] (1960), Porträt einer Bewährung [Portrait of a Probation] (1964), Die Patriotin [The Patriotic Woman] (1979), all directed by Alexander Kluge, 7:30 p.m., 205 David Lawrence Hall, Pitt Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures series, Experimental, Underground, Revolutionary: Avant-garde Films From Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, 412-648-2614, rhalle@pitt.edu.
Theatrical Performance, Skin of Our Teeth by Thornton Wilder, 8 p.m., continues through Feb. 18, Pittsburgh Playhouse, 222 Craft Ave., Oakland, Point Park University, 412-621-4445, www.pointpark.edu.
Musical Performance, Pitt’s University Symphony Orchestra, directed by Roger Zahab, 8 p.m., Bellefield Auditorium, Pitt’s Department of Music, 412-624-4125, www.music.pitt.edu.
February 8
Lecture, “Malaria and Development: Community-based Activism on the Island of Kolombangara, Solomon Islands,” Chris Mercer, Ph.D. candidate in Pitt’s Department of Anthropology, noon, 4130 Posvar Hall, Pitt Asian Studies Center, 412-648-7763, jordanb@ucis.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “Songs and Subjects in Medieval Japan,” Thomas Hare, professor of comparative literature, Princeton University, 2:30 p.m., 3504 Cathedral of Learning, Pitt Asian Studies Center, 412-648-7367, dakis@ucis.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “Information Extraction of Events and Beliefs From Text,” Janyce Wiebe, director of the Intelligent Systems Program in Pitt’s Department of Computer Science, 3 p.m., Alumni Hall’s 5th-Floor Auditorium, Pitt Center for National Preparedness, 412-624-9416, www.cnp.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “Biomedical Science in the Net of the 21st Century: A Tale of Two Systems for Global Infrastructure,” Bruce Schatz, director, Community Architectures for Network Information Systems Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 3 p.m., 501 Information Sciences Building, Pitt School of Information Sciences, 412-624-2677, www.sis.pitt.edu/~lersais.
Lecture, “The Chemistry of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Applications to Biomolecular Sensing and Electronic Devices,” Michael Strano, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 4 p.m., 2 Chevron Science Center, Pitt Department of Chemistry, cwt4.chem.pitt.edu/index.aspx.
Lecture, “Haitian and African American Historical Struggle Against Racism Through the NAACP,” author Leon Pamphile, 4 p.m., Frick Fine Arts Building University Art Gallery, 412-648-2423, vrcoll.fa.pitt.edu/uag.
Film Screenings and Discussion, Alexandra Halkin, founder and international coordinator of the Chiapas Media Project, and Juan José García Ortiz, program director of the Ojo de Agua Communicacíon; 6-8 p.m., Alumni Hall’s 5th-Floor Auditorium, Pitt Center for Latin American Studies, sas136@pitt.edu.
Musical Performance, a cappella group The King’s Singers, 7:30 p.m., Byham Theatre, 101 Sixth St., downtown, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org.
February 9
Workshop, “The First Step: Mechanics of Starting a Small Business,” 7:30-10 a.m., 209 Mervis Hall, Pitt Small Business Development Center; registration required, 412-624-2182, mrwholihan@katz.pitt.edu.
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense by Nathan Bowers, Pitt Department of Music, “Creating a Home Culture for the Phonograph: Women and the Rise of Sound Recordings in the United States, 1877-1913,” 11 a.m., 302 Music Building.
Lecture, “Knowledge Utilization in Social Work Practice,” Jeanne Marsh, dean, University of Chicago’s School of Social Service Administration, noon, 2017 Cathedral of Learning, Pitt School of Social Work, 412-624-6304, www.pitt.edu/~pittssw.
Musical Performance, “Ax Plays Brahms,” pianist Emanuel Ax, 8 p.m., Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., downtown, Pittsburgh Symphony, 412-392-4900, www.pittsburghsymphony.org.
February 10
Workshop, “Making Oral Presentations,” 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Scaife Hall’s 4th-Floor Lecture Room 2, Pitt’s Survival Skills and Ethics Program; registration required, 412-578-3716, www.survival.pitt.edu.
Storytelling, “Japanese Rakugo” by Japanese storyteller Katsura Koharudanji, 1 p.m.
Musical Performance, Beowulf, harpist Ben Bagby, 8 p.m., Synod Hall, 125 North Craig St., Oakland, Renaissance and Baroque Society, 412-682-7262, www.rbsp.org.
Dance Performance, Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, 8 p.m., Byham Theater, 101 Sixth St., downtown, 412-471-6930, www.pgharts.org.
February 12
Love Your Computer Week at Pitt, featuring software demonstrations, data backups, security engraving, PC and Mac information sessions, prize giveaways, refreshments, and more; 2-11 p.m., continues through Feb. 16, Pitt Computing Services and Systems Development, my.pitt.edu.
Lecture, “Terahertz-optical Spectroscopy of Semiconductors: From ‘Atomic’ Physics to Terahertz Optoelectronics,” Sam Carter, research associate, Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, 3 p.m., 106 Allen Hall, Pitt-Carnegie Mellon University Physics Colloquium Series, www.phyast.pitt.edu/Events.
Information Session, 5:30-7 p.m., School of Information Sciences, Information Sciences Building’s 5th-Floor Large Commons Room, 412-624-2677, www.sis.pitt.edu.
Musical Performance, Music Monday, 8 p.m., Bellefield Hall Auditorium, Pitt Department of Music, 412-624-4125, www.music.pitt.edu.
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