Launch of Teenie Harris, Photographer

The University of Pittsburgh Press and Pitt’s Office of Public Affairs celebrated the launch of the new book Teenie Harris, Photographer: Image, Memory, History (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011) at a special Black History Month program on Feb. 28 at the Twentieth Century Club. The book, which was coauthored by Pitt history professor Laurence Glasco, reveals the essence of African American life in Pittsburgh from the end of the Great Depression through the civil rights movement. As a photographer for The Pittsburgh Courier, Harris captured on film historic events and celebrities coming through town, as well as everyday scenes at Hill District locations.

Pictured, from left, Robert Hill, Pitt vice chancellor for public affairs; Joe Trotter, book coauthor and Giant Eagle Professor of History and Social Justice at Carnegie Mellon University; Glasco; and Cynthia Miller, University of Pittsburgh Press director.
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