Leadership News: Medical and Health Sciences Foundation

Issue Date: 
May 11, 2015

Clyde B. Jones III, president of the Medical and Health Sciences Foundation of the University of Pittsburgh and UPMC, will leave his position June 12, 2015, to become senior vice president for institutional advancement for the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. 

Clyde B.Jones IIIClyde B.Jones III

Jones, who also holds the titles of vice chancellor for health sciences development at Pitt and chief development officer at UPMC, has led the foundation since its creation in 2003 to raise philanthropic funds for the University’s health sciences schools and UPMC.

The foundation has been responsible for exponential growth in philanthropy for the academic medical enterprise at Pitt and UPMC, growing from an average of $40 million annually to more than $150 million in recent years.

Kellie AndersonKellie Anderson

Kellie Anderson will succeed Jones upon his departure. She is currently executive director, central development, for the Medical and Health Sciences Foundation. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Allegheny College and a Master of Public Health from Pitt’s Graduate School of Public Health. She joined Pitt in 1999 as director of corporate and foundation relations in the Schools of the Health Sciences. She moved to the Medical and Health Sciences Foundation in 2003.