Making Connections
Science2009—Unplugged, Pitt’s ninth annual celebration of science and technology, was held Oct. 15-16. The event featured science presentations by some of Pittsburgh’s leading researchers as well as keynote lectures by distinguished guest scientists in Alumni Hall’s 7th-floor Auditorium.

1. One of the Science2009 plenary speakers was Michael Grätzel, professor and director of the Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces in the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland. Gratzel delivered the Provost Lecture, titled “Light and Energy, Mesoscopic Systems for Solar Power Conversion and Storage.” From left, Grätzel; George Klinzing, Pitt vice provost for research and professor of chemical engineering; and James V. Maher, Pitt senior vice chancellor and provost.

2. Undergraduate researchers were a new addition to Science2009 this year. Seventy-three undergraduate researchers from across the University presented their faculty-mentored work during an Oct. 15 undergraduate poster reception in Alumni Hall’s J.W. Connolly Ballroom. About 300 people attended the event, including research presenters, other undergraduates, faculty, and family members of student presenters.

3. Victor Ambros (left) is the Silverman Professor of Natural Sciences in the Program in Molecular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School. He gave the Oct. 15 Dickson Prize in Medicine Lecture on “MicroRNAs, From Model Organisms to Human Biology.” Standing with him is Arthur S. Levine, senior vice chancellor for the health sciences and dean of the School of Medicine at Pitt.
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