Pitt Chancellor Mark A. Nordenberg (right) met with U.S. Sen. Benjamin Cardin (CAS ’65), who spoke Oct. 6 in the Barco Law Building’s courtroom. Cardin, from Maryland, was invited to campus by the Pittsburgh University College Democrats, and spoke on a variety of domestic and foreign policy issues.
Patrick Manning delivered a lecture titled “Human Migration: Disciplinary Contributions to Its History” on Oct. 14 in Posvar Hall. The event marked the formal installation of Manning as the Andrew W. Mellon Professor of World History in Pitt’s School of Arts and Sciences. Pictured from left are N. John Cooper, Bettye J. and Ralph E. Bailey Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences; James V. Maher, Pitt senior vice chancellor and provost; and Manning.
Pitt volunteers enjoy a break from their work during the Sept. 26 United Way Day of Caring at Global Links’ Homewood warehouse, where they painted the bases of hundreds of IV poles. Global Links prepares and sends surplus medical supplies to needy clinics worldwide. Pitt partnered with TIAA-CREF in 14 community projects during the Day of Caring. Pictured (from left to right) are Pitt volunteers Chunyan Wang, Office of Child Development; Corey Grone, Office of the Dean, Graduate School of Public Health; Lori Molinaro, Office of the University Senate; Janet Kosko, University Center for International Studies; Cindy Brendel, Office of the University Senate; and Lin Haberman, CSSD/Telecommunications.
Paul Supowitz, Pitt vice chancellor for governmental relations, volunteered with the Creating Affordable Housing in West Oakland Project, sponsored by the Oakland Planning and Development Corporation. Supowitz helped to clear and rehabilitate vacant apartments in West Oakland so lower-rent properties can be placed back on the market.
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