Spotlight on the Nationality Rooms

Issue Date: 
August 21, 2012

French-Canadian cable TV network films the Cathedral of Learning and its Nationality RoomsE. Maxine Bruhns (left), director of Pitt’s Nationality Rooms Program, stands in front of Heinz Memorial Chapel with a crew from Canal Evasion, a French-Canadian cable television network that filmed the Cathedral of Learning’s exterior as well as its Nationality Rooms for the network’s new travel program series, “15 Good Reasons To Go To…” The series explores one American city per episode and features main attractions as well as off-the-beaten-path sites. Film crew director Bruno Carriere (operating camera) and his assistant, Louis Carriere, right, spent several hours on June 21 filming the Chinese, French, Turkish, and African Nationality Rooms—as well as the architectural intricacies of the Cathedral’s Common Room. The show is slated to be broadcast on Canal Evasion as well as on Quebec’s Travel Channel and Discovery Canada. Photo by Joe Kapelewski/CIDDE.